Authority Over Demons

By Ken Fletcher July 10, 2023

“The demons all shake in fear when I come around. Do you know why? Jesus is on board! I am finding out who I am and what I have. They know it. They can see it in how I act and speak. Their whole deal is deception. They don’t have any defense against what I have as a believer. Their power has been put to naught by the Lord Jesus for us. Jesus has already defeated all of them. So, I don’t try and get the victory over any of them. I’ve already got it before they begin. They are in fear of me. They don’t like coming around here much anymore. Because, I will certainly give them a real bad day if they do! They WILL feel God’s awesome power! So, I don’t see much of them. I know what I’ve got. I talk big against the devil because I’ve got big inside! I’ve got the goods to back up my words here on board with me! You know, believer, what I’ve just been describing above is all yours too! I am no different than you are! Jesus has created you the same way as I am. Maybe you just did not know you have authority and power over all of the devil’s power. When it comes to your life, it’s up to you what you do with him. Stop praying for the Lord to get the devil off of you or out of your house! God won’t and the devil won’t! Trust me on that! Even if you have been ignorant of your authority in Christ, God still won’t deal with the devil for you! It’s up to you to find out what the Lord has done and implement it in your own life! You directly deal with the devil! But, FIRST you had better find out, and be filled with understanding about what you have inside. As a believer in Jesus, you have all authority over the demons that would try and work in your life. But, if you don’t know you HAVE IT, you won’t use it. And, if you don’t use it, the devil will keep on moving against you unhindered. Maybe you don’t even know it’s him that is doing stuff against you. That’s a good place to look. See if he’s involved or not–Who or what is behind stuff happening in your life? Well, I want you to know that the devil is an opportunist. He is looking for opportunities to hit you. He strategies and schemes and plans his approaches. We do not give him ANY place in our lives! If you have a door open to the enemy in your life, you’d better slam it shut pronto! He does not play. He is serious about inflicting you with bad stuff–remember the categories he works in, kill, steal, destroy. No friend, he does not play. BUT! We don’t play either! If we perceive him working anywhere in our scope of authority, we use our authority and power that we have in the Lord. We kick his butt all over the place in Jesus Name! We make him a mess by the face! Immediately, he regrets what he was doing against us. Cause, what he did, is now coming down on his head! We make him real sorry he even thought about coming around us and our family! The devil does not like getting pushed around, you know. Since he is full of pride, getting pushed around by the power of God is demeaning to him. It makes his defeated status even more apparent to all. When God’s power hits him, it not only hurts him, but it just shows him up as who he is–a pip squeek, reduced out of authority, a has been, weakling piece of crap! That’s who he really is! Against God’s power in us, the devil has nothing! So, what has he got to work with? Deception is all he has, friends! That’s it! What is there to be afraid of, then? Nothing! No one! We have what we need already to deal with him. All the power. All the authority in the Name of Jesus! Why is the devil scared? In the back of his mind, he knows he’s toast already. He actually fools himself, yes, deceives his own self, that he’s got it going on. That is, until he comes face to face with reality in a believer who knows what they have! He just hopes that you, believer, won’t find out the truth of who you really are! When you do, and you use it on him, the devil will be out of business in your life! And, after a few bad encounters with you, he won’t want to come around you or yours much anymore either! He does NOT want to feel the power of Jesus hitting him! I’m happy that he is out of business here! But, believer, why don’t you put him out of business in your life? Realize, he’s real scared of you too!” KF

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