As It Is In Heaven

By Ken Fletcher

“The Lord told me today that He has more people in our family on the earth than we realize. Would it not be great if we could know and accept each other in the family? But now, there exists such division. So many fragments that separate us from one another.

Well, I’m glad heaven will not be like that. We will be a family there. I would like to see more unity in the body. Wouldn’t you? Think of how precious it would be to worship God together without all the stuff that separates us. God wants to do so much more in and with us in our lives.

The world should know that we all really do love one another. I believe it is the will of God for this to happen on the earth. Jesus prayed that God’s will would be done on earth as it is in heaven. I am encouraged tonight. I am so glad to be part of an everlasting family. The greatest family! We’re God’s very own children. With Jesus!

We have much to look forward to, my brother and sister! Let’s stay busy in His will down here and carry out what He wants to do in our lives while we have opportunity. And, lets love one another in the family.” KF

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