By Ken Fletcher


In this article, I believe the Lord would have me to zero in on a particular verse of scripture that is often misunderstood. As you read this writing, be careful not to look at what is written through traditional colored glasses which could cause you to miss the truth that is being given. Read with your heart. You will be blessed!

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”   We have read this verse many times thinking that this is the definition of faith or what faith is. It is not! Hebrews 11:1 is not revealing to us what faith IS, but what faith DOES!

Let’s look at this verse a little closer please. “Now faith is the substance.…”   The word “substance,” here is found in the Strong’s Greek Dictionary of the New Testament, is defined, “that which lies under.” So, here we see the word, “substance”, actually means, “basis: ground: or foundation.”   

A good example illustrating the function of a foundation is in the construction of a building. The foundation of the building is the part that lies under the structure. “that which lies under” It is the first thing that happens on the building. It is the basis on which the remainder of the building is built! The function of the foundation DOES SOMETHING very, very important–vitally so. It holds and supports the entire rest of the building. 

Likewise, your faith, or belief, in God’s Word functions as the very foundation you place everything else on. Your faith in the Word is the foundation that you construct the building of your life upon!

To get a clearer understanding of this verse in Hebrews 11:1, we could read it this way; “Now faith is the substance (the foundation) of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Remember, this verse describes what faith DOES. Now, please stay with me, dear brother and sister. It will get clearer as we go. Don’t jump the ship. We are going somewhere.

The next word I want you to examine with me please, is the word, “hope.” “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for…”   We, here in America, have really messed up the meaning of the word, hope. Many times we might say the word “hope” but really we mean, “wish.” For example, we may say, “I hope  the weather will be nice today.” What we actually mean is: “I wish or desire, that the weather will be nice today.” Do you see what I mean?

Always remember this: When the Bible speaks of “hope,” it is actually talking about a quality that is firm and stable. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament words reveals that the word “hope” means, “favorable and confident expectation.” It goes on to say that “hope” “has to do with the unseen, the future, and the happy anticipation of good.”

Friend, real Bible hope means: confident expectation. I want you to get this fact firmly in your heart, not just in your mind. When you are believing God’s Word, you have CONFIDENT EXPECTATION that IT WILL COME TO PASS in your life. Not maybe, but, FOR SURE! Let me say it again this way: If you are in faith, you are expecting! If your not expecting, then you’re not in faith!

Now, let’s look at Hebrews 11:1 again with the proper Bible definitions of the words “substance”  and “hope”  inserted. “Now faith is the foundation of things confidently expected, the evidence of things not seen.” Do you see it? This is what faith DOES. A believer confidently expects results based upon his foundation of faith in God’s forever settled Word!

I remember, during my first year at Bible school, Yolanda and I were experiencing some great difficulties financially. Honestly, I was expecting the financial problems to continue and not change. I was down emotionally and getting depressed as I thought again and again about the circumstances that faced us.

As I was driving my school bus one day, on the way to pick up the students from school when, all of a sudden, I realized that I was in stark unbelief about our situation. I was not believing God’s Word concerning our finances and, as a result, I was expecting things not to change or maybe even to get worse. I realized, that day in my bus that, obviously, I did not believe that God was big enough to fulfill His Word concerning financial provision for our family. Because of my unbelief, I had NO EXPECTATION of God’s Word manifesting in our lives.

Awakening to the fact that I was in unbelief, I immediately repented to God and asked Him to forgive me. I shook myself, (spiritually speaking) and got right back on the Word where I belonged. I began to say out loud, “My God is greater than these circumstances! I’m not going to go under – I am going over the top, in Jesus’ Name!” As I quoted the Word concerning our finances, I started expecting things to change. We saw financial miracles! Praise God!

I want you to please notice, as we go further into this wonderful verse of scripture, the word, “evidence.”  “…the evidence of things not seen.” It is easier to understand the meaning of this word since it is commonly used in our judicial system when one is being tried in a court of law for committing a crime.

According to Strong’s New Testament Greek Dictionary, and Webster’s Dictionary, “evidence”  means, “something that furnishes proof.”   Evidence is PROOF of something. A person who is being tried in a court of law should not be convicted of the charges against him unless there is PROOF, SOLID EVIDENCE, presented that he actually committed the crime.

Dear friend, please read with me Hebrews 11:1 with the proper understanding of these important words inserted. “Now faith is the foundation of things confidently expected, the proof of things not seen.”  Our faith in the Word of God is what furnishes solid proof in the unseen realm of the spirit. We have solid evidence on which to base our expectations. The integrity of God stands behind His every Word. God has proclaimed that NONE of His Words would return to Him without producing what He sent them to do. (Isaiah 55:11)

How can you believe for something that you can’t see or feel in the natural realm? Through the solid proof of your faith in the everlasting Word of God, who is not capable of formulating a lie. God clearly tells us in His Word what we can expect to come to pass when we believe. For example, God tells us in Romans 10:9-10 that if we confess Jesus as our Lord and believe in our heart that God has raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. We must expect the promised results when we meet the conditions that God has set forth in His Word! You must expect to be saved when you act upon His Word concerning salvation.

I have actually heard folks say, “Well, you never know what God is gonna do.” But, that is absolutely not true! You CAN tell what God will do! You CAN know what to expect! He tells you in advance what will happen when you believe.

If you are not expecting His Word to come to pass in your life, then you do not really believe what he has said. Faith, BELIEVES NOW. Hope, CONFIDENTLY EXPECTS the manifestation of faith to take place.

Are you expecting? This is a good way to really check up on what you believe. You have to be absolutely honest with yourself to locate where you are. You see dear friend, your expectation of the future must be built upon the foundation of your faith in God’s Word. If it is not, then you will be swayed by the material & physical sense realm, circumstances, and the devil’s deceptions.

God has given you the basis for your foundation. He has given you the ROCK of ages–His very own Word to lay your foundation of faith upon.

Are you expecting your healing to manifest? Are you expecting the finances to come in? Are you expecting favor at your job, business, or other personal dealings? Are you expecting the peace of God to fill your heart and mind? Are you expecting guidance from the Holy Spirit about your life’s direction? Are you expecting success in the affairs of life? Are you expecting your loved ones to be saved? Are you expecting God to use you to witness to the lost? Are you expecting…..?

Maybe you are realizing, as you examine yourself today, that you are in unbelief concerning some situations in your life–just as I was in that bus. You can change that right now. I am so glad to tell you today, you can get right back on the Word of God.  You can EXPECT the promises of God to come to pass in your life when you place your faith, which is your foundation, firmly on the solid rock of His Word!

Dear friend, get your Bible out. Take the time to look up and go over carefully the scriptures in the Word that cover your case–whatever it might be. Look up at least two or three places–more if possible. Whatever it is that you need, find out what God says about it. Find out what His Will is concerning your case. Write them down. Put them on the mirror or the refrigerator. Spend time meditating in them. Get them in your heart real good and strong. Say them often over yourself and your loved ones. Faith in God’s Word is the solution for every problem. He will do what He says He will do!

It is my prayer today that you have gained new insight concerning what your faith does. May your life never be the same again as you apply these truths. Be blessed!  KF

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