By Ken Fletcher

“Anticipation! Remember the old pop song?

I thought about that old ketchup commercial on the TV. Remember? They would play the song, Anticipation, and show how thick and slow the ketchup would come out of the bottle! I thought that commercial was genius!

You know, in life, it’s kind of like that down here in the natural. We look forward to stuff. We plan for things coming up. Events and plans shape much of what we do. We anticipate that which has not happened yet!

It’s interesting the contrast in the spiritual realm. Everything in the Kingdom is instant! Our communication with Jesus is instant. Everything Jesus has provided is instant! The Father is constantly with us. All this is possible because of the Holy Spirit who actually abides in our souls! Our connection with Heaven is secure. No hackers possible! Very private and no eves dropping by anyone.

It’s all inside of you now believer. Do you know it? Can you see it? Can you hear Jesus clearly? We have much to anticipate, believers. Let’s look forward to the things Jesus is doing in OUR generation!” KF

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