Already Ours

By Ken Fletcher

“Friends, notice how these two fit together.

1) 1 John 5: 14-15 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.

2) Mark 11:24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Nowhere is doubt mentioned. Of course, in Mark 11:23 doubt IS mentioned. But, this is the working of faith in petition prayer. It absolutely works 100 times out of a hundred. No chance that it will not work. The possibility of it NOT working is only because of our faith. Not on what we are supposed to do believing.

What needs to happen is we need to be fully persuaded of the truth BEFORE we approach the Father. Fully persuaded. Full of believing! With no doubt inside anymore. I have found that the best thing that works for me to fill up on my believing is by a few verses at a time–meditating on them. Each word. The deep meaning behind the words. Thinking deeply about the truth of them.

After a while, doubt flies out the window! There is not room for doubt anymore. Also, I have found repetition has benefited me in getting into faith. If I find a certain video of a minister on what I am believing God for, one that is speaking to my heart, I will watch it over and over several times. Until I get the truth of the word in me big! These are the things that have helped me. Maybe they will help you also.

Those above verses. Aren’t they something! How great they really are for you and I. Are we approaching the Father in faith, in confidence, that whatever we ask we will receive? There it is! Confident expectation! You know!

I remember when my son was pretty young. I think about 6 or 7. I felt that He was old enough to own his own pocket knife. With some instruction of what he could do and not do, of course. But, I told him I was going to get him a nice pocked knife. Later that evening, as he was going out the door to play, he turned to me and said, thank you, dad for my pocket knife! And then, took off out the door.

I thought to myself, he doesn’t have a pocket knife yet because I did not give it to him, Yet, he thanked me for it simply based upon my word. Did he doubt that he had a pocket knife? Nope! No doubt! He believed he had one that was coming from me. And, he got one too!

Heres the deal. If he could do that with me simply based upon my word as an imperfect human, how much more can we believe the word of our Father who cannot lie! My son acted like it was already his. Because my word was good to him. We should act like what we prayed for is already ours because our Father’s word is good! But, do we believe it?

Will we get to the part that says…”and ye shall have them”? That comes after the believing you received it from God! Did He really give it to you? Yes! Do you really have it? Yes! Even though you don’t possess it in the natural yet. Just like my son did. He did not doubt my word. He knew he had a pocket knife. And he did! It was one he could not see yet. But, he knew he had it! We should be the same way with our Father. If it is good, He has it!

Why don’t we find out how to obtain what we have been given through Jesus? Through faith in the word of our Father we can experience what Jesus brought us into. More and more we are understanding how vast it all is. All that is available in the Kingdom staggers the mind. But, it is ours just the same! How about it? Lets learn how to possess our possessions!” KF

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