Almost Beyond Comprehension

By Ken Fletcher

“The believer is an amazing creature. Re-created in Christ. Joined with Him and the Father by the Holy Spirit. Dwelling as one together. In union. The eternal life of Jesus is flowing in the believer all the time.

There is no death there. All that Jesus is, all He has done, is in the believer. Eternally. The believer’s blend with God is almost beyond comprehension.

We understand partially now. But, we can expand our partial understanding through our relationship with Jesus and the Father. Yes, in this life! How deep is the water? Very!

Brother Hagin used to say the more He knew about the Lord, the more he saw how little he knew. I understand that better now. Just what He was talking about. How big is God? How much does Jesus know? He’s for us! He’s in us! He has given everything for us! And, He wants to share good things with us as we’re here in this life.

There is much for the believer to discover! The question really is, how hungry are we? Do we want to go deeper with God? Father wants us to. He wants us to grow in understanding of our relationship together.

Oh my, what Jesus has done for us! It is much more than we realize now. But, it’s wonderful to know that it will never pass away. Our Kingdom we share together is an eternal everlasting Kingdom. We’re made to live there with the Lord. The believer is made perfect like Jesus! Now! All who believe can receive His life. And be changed into an amazing new creature in union with Christ.” KF

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