All Father Does

By Ken Fletcher

“Can we fathom all the good that the Father is doing for us all the time? No! I don’t think we can in this life. But, be assured. He is. Everyday! In lots of ways.

One day just a few months back, He gave me a brief very partial picture of all that He was doing in the lives of our family across the states. Because of our relationship with Him. I saw thousands of angelic operations going on for protection and help in their lives. I saw Father dispatching those angels to carry our His will for them–to help bring them safely into His best for them. And, I only saw a partial snapshot of what he is doing all the time! It blew my mind.

How can we appreciate all that He does for us in reality? I believe it’s just simple thanksgiving and faith in Him. Simple trust pleases Him. We give humble thanks. For all those things He does as we walk in His will. What an amazing Father. We truly are His children!” KF

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