A Right Heart

By Ken Fletcher July 16, 2023

“I can argue. I can debate. I can prove I’m right. Others can even acknowledge they are wrong and I’m right. Does it make the other person come to Jesus even if I could do all of that? No. It’s wasted motion. All that debating back and forth. They can still dig in to their viewpoint no matter what you prove is right. In man, it takes a right heart for change. It takes the Holy Spirit to show us the truth of ourselves and where we are with God. A realization must take place inside. An awareness of ourselves that we were blind to before. It’s a work of God in the heart of man and woman. A real humility before God must be present. I believe the blindness of people in our day is simply spiritual blindness. If people could perceive the reality of the spiritual realm, it would change everything for them. At times, I find myself slipping into material realm blindness and I have to pull back inside. What I mean is, I begin to see things only from what I see and understand from the material realm, not from a spiritual standpoint or view. So, looking at life in just the natural way blinds us from what is really going on in the spiritual realm. We are created to function in both realms simultaneously. So, the blindness in our perception of the spirit realm is not what God ever wanted for us. Now, in this time, believers live by faith in the Word and Jesus inside their spirits. That’s how we see spiritually and understand accurately our way before God. It is completely understandable why people reject the truth when you understand heart conditions–it’s all in their heart. Their will, to be precise. The rejection happens there. The acceptance of Jesus happens there. The heart of man, which is the eternal soul, determines their own destination. I encourage people to approach Jesus humbly, sincerely, honestly, with a true heart. If they do, He WILL be there to meet them. No doubt about it. Everyone who comes to Him in this manner will be received graciously. Jesus is free to all. But, the question is, are you blind to the truth of Jesus? Put your trust in Him!” KF

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