A Religious Mix

By Ken Fletcher

“The problem with a lot of ministries is they are teaching people a mixture of grace and law. It flat confuses the people. They get a warped picture of God and how He views them. I believe it like Paul explained in His letters to the churches. The completed work of Christ is what we understand from the truth of his writings. As well as all of the letters of the epistles.

There is much depth of understanding there for us in the letters. I believe Romans may be one of the most important letters to the church in the Bible. But, they are all important! The Bible is progressive revelation. From Genesis we learn about God as Creator. Then we learn more and more throughout. Until the letters to the church where we see the completed work of redemption in Christ. This is where we live today.

This is our time. In actuality, the book of Acts is still being written. I want you to understand that since Jesus now resides in us all, we are hearing the word of God to us personally in our heart. What a wonderful truth. To understand that He is in us. The One who redeemed us with His own blood. It’s all because of His amazing grace and kindness towards us.

What is the culmination of the Bible? This union, this fusion, this one-ness Jesus has brought us into. We are there now! Those who are in Christ. Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound toward us. We’re swimming in His grace!

Listen, I believe what churches should be teaching and preaching is the new creation of God. If the people can get a hold of what Jesus has made them, well, all of that focus on performance is over!

They will automatically want to do what their new nature is. When they understand who and what they are! When they understand what they and the Lord can do! Oh boy! Makes the other stuff look like what it is.–Cheap temporary stuff that we don’t want to waste our time with.

Let’s not confuse people. Let’s bring them into the knowledge of the Lord inside. When they can get hold in their minds about this union they have with God, well, the other stuff sort of drops off almost un-noticed.

I’m convinced, when we can understand what we really have, in actuality, with the Lord, right now, many things that were a struggle before won’t be any more. Our attention will be on Him. Him in us. Our focus clearly on our heart. The outward man will just have to do what the inward man wants to do. We make it! And, the inward man wants to do what he’s created to do. Love.

With the focus in the right place and the believer knows who they are now, victory can be realized. The people need to see God and themselves correctly without the religious mix!” KF KenFletcher.org

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