A Real Good Trade

By Ken Fletcher

“Some people think they are doing the will of God. But, are they really?

There is much unseen pride or self-will present. It is preventing them from seeing and perceiving the truth about themselves. They may think within themselves, or convinced themselves, it is God’s will they are doing. But, is it tainted with their own will? That is the question!

We can tint and color God’s will within us. Which prevents the pure of His will to be perceived. Our perceptions cannot be true if our will is not submitted and committed to Jesus. All of it! Then, we can perceive the truth of God’s perfect will for us.

It’s a real good trade!–Your will for His. But, you never really loose your will ever. You just keep it all in the care of Jesus in order for you to perceive and do His perfect will. His will is pure. If our will is pure also with Him, we can actually perceive His wonderful will for us!” KF KenFletcher.org

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