A Heart Condition

By Ken Fletcher

“Are you still on The Road Of Faith with me, reader? We’ll be back again first Saturday of March with part 40 of the Know Thyself series. No, we’re not done yet. Maybe the best is yet to come. Don’t know about you, but I’m expecting to hear from the Lord and find out what else He wants to bring out in these seminars upcoming.

But, I hope you are practicing some things in your life in the mean time. Well, 2024 is a real good time for us to do 3 things in a box of 1. What do you say? 1) Lets get our heart right and be Humble before the Lord. 2) Lets be Submitted to His will for us personally, 3) Lets Commit or Consecrate ourselves to His plan–which is His best will for us individually. All three are in the box of 1, which is, Yield. All three of these elements share this attribute.

It’s a heart condition before the Master. It is a personal giving of one’s self to Him. It is trust. Real trust in Jesus with everything you have control over. It’s an understanding that you are placing all you are, by faith, in Him. It’s big. It’s everything you and I have. Total trust and dependency on Him. This is the place of miracles for your life and mine.

The more control I can give to Jesus in my life the better I like it. He knows me through and through. Every thought. Every breath. Do I trust Him? More and more. Clearer and clearer do I want to hear His voice inside. And, by His grace, I am! The 3 things in a box of 1 was what Jesus showed me that happened in my life. And, after that, was the reason I was able to hear His thoughts so clearly. Almost like my own. But, different. I knew it was Jesus. The same Jesus I had known for 50 years.

I was so surprised the next day that I told my wife about hearing Him so clearly and strong in my mind. Most folks struggle to relate when I tell them I hear Jesus like that. I stopped telling just about everybody about it because most people do not have a reference point to relate. Before that, I didn’t either either! I was blown away!

Since that happening, things have been so different for me. I have learned so much from Jesus and it is still continuing. I don’t ever what to stop growing in my understanding of our relationship together. The Know Thyself journey is still being written in my heart. So, you and I are going forward in faith believing that the Lord will lead us into the place of clarity and greater understanding of our union with Him. Not just for our sake. But, for those He wants to reach through us in this life.

I don’t want to miss out on any of it. So, I’m listening for His direction all the time. How about you? Are you hungry for the real with Jesus? I hope so. He wants to do much more in us than we realize, I know. But, it takes some things for you and I to move into it. 3 things in a box of 1. Living that way all the time before Him. It is the place of His best for us! Hope you’ll stay with me on the journey!” With love, KF KenFletcher.org

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