A Good Question

By Ken Fletcher

“There are some who say they know the Lord. But, the only thing that they know about the Lord is what religion has given them.–A false picture of what He is really like.

I am learning to know the Lord. Really know Him experiencially. I know Him better. But, there is so much to know. I have made some progress. But, I realize more now that what I know presently is nothing to what I will know someday.

But, to know Jesus. Well, that is an amazing thing. That we CAN know Him. We really can! Shouldn’t we seek Him? Above other things in life?

The more we can know Jesus, the more we can know ourselves. So, in a way, you end up seeing who you really are when we see who Jesus really is. Not the religion version. But, the true!

The more we can see of Him, the better off we will be in this life. Because we can perceive reality even in the deception of the matrix through Jesus. He will show us the true. We can live it out by faith.

What a privilege to live by faith in His Word! Do you know Jesus? Well, if you are in the family of God you do! He is the way you came! But, many people do not know Jesus much beyond that He is their Savior.

There is so much available for us to find out and enjoy in this life. Some know Jesus as healer. Some don’t. Some know Him as the peace in their soul. Some don’t. Is He different with different people?

Are you different with one child than another? Maybe one child needs different things than the other one. But, are you the same?

Well, even though one child is totally different than the other, your love is the same for both. If you are not in favoritism, that is. Well, He is not. He is the same to all who are His. He just does things differently from one to another. Because they ARE different. But, the love is the same! His word belongs to all of us.

He will manifest His word in different ways in our lives. Boy, is it exciting to get to know the Lord. We all can! As much as we want!

The question is, why aren’t we seeking Him above all other things?

What things are so great in this life that we spend time doing all the other stuff, but, we don’t talk to the Lord much. A real good question to ask ourselves! Don’t you think?” KF KenFletcher.org

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