A Dormant Believer?

By Ken Fletcher July 27, 2023

“Are you a dormant believer? You doing anything for the Lord? Well, if you’re not, you’re missing out. Time is passing. You can’t go back and replay. What was yesterday is gone. What about today? You going to redo what you have been doing again? What about those people you’re in contact with everyday? Why don’t you take a fresh look at things? What you’re doing? Why are you doing it? Will it mean anything when all is said and done? I think it is a good thing to take inventory often. See where things are with the Lord. Are you acting like a dog that chases after his tail? Or like a hamster running on the wheel? Going through all kinds of motion, but not really going anywhere for any good reason. Listen believer, you want this day to count for the Lord and for people. He is inside of you to work through you to touch someone who needs the Lord. Who needs prayer. Who needs Jesus to minister to them in some manner. You are the vessel Jesus dwells in. And, you are right there with them. So, you can be looking for open doors to help them. They’ll sure tell you what is bothering them. And, you can introduce the solution for their situation into the conversation. Let the Lord inside lead you to help them in whatever area–with no condemnation to them! Get His wisdom on what to say and how to say it. You can make an eternal difference to someone who is hurting today! Let the Lord use you! It is the most exciting way to live! To see Jesus heal someone or lift and encourage someone is a blast! Why not have some real fun today! Why not let the Lord use YOU to help someone?” KF

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