90 Percent

By Ken Fletcher

“As you look around. How many people do you know that are seeking God? Living for Jesus? Even at church, many are there for other reasons. Who really does desire what God wants among the people you are around? Jesus told me last year that around 90 percent of His body on earth are blind to the reality of the matirx and it’s effects. I was so surprised to hear that. 90 percent? It does not seem possible. How would I know such a thing? But, He knows. And, I believe Him. Well, since that is true. It means that many believers are caught up in other things. Other things really have their attention and affection. Other things than Jesus. A blindness exists in their perception. They’ve got Jesus in a little box. A piece of their lives. They’re not really on board with what He is doing on the earth. They are among the deceived ones in some degree. They may have partial understanding. But, until they are completely on board with Jesus they will experience deception. And they will live in it. Many times, their whole lives. Religion stirs up the clouded perceptions and feeds the manipulation and control. All of that false stuff about God. So, in actuality, religion is also a large part of the deception of the matrix. We should all live in reality with Jesus in the spirit realm. Our attention should be on Him and what He wants. Even those believers who ARE seeking Him have to overcome wrong teachings and perceptions about Him given by others. But, the true seeker can find. Regardless of all that false stuff they have to wade through. The true seeker will not stop until he or she has arrived at the real of the situation with Jesus. The blindness that exists in the world is not supposed to be with us! We are supposed to be seeing the real. About what’s really going on here on planet earth and with God. I pray that those 90% will awaken to what is going on with them. I believe many of them will. Stop and consider your own life. Are you one of those 90% of believers who the Lord spoke about?” KF

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