20,000 Years From Now

By Ken Fletcher July 11, 2023

“What if you were standing 20,000 years in the future looking back at our time on the earth right now. Well, you and I WILL surely BE there then, you know! Yep! Looking back, what do you think you would’ve changed if you had it to do over again? Ah, there we are! Reality! Why not BE now what you would want to be doing over again then? Little different look at things here, you think? Well, I don’t want any regrets in 20,000 years. I want to get it right as much as possible with no regrets before Jesus. You know, I’ve made a few recordings in my life. Not many. A few. Some singing. Some producing. Arranging vocals. Playing bass, etc. Listening to them and looking back with what I know now in retrospect, there are some regrets–things I would liked to have done differently from what I know now. But, life is a jounrey. I did then the best I knew to do at the time–and did things in my perspective which was more limited than what I know now. But, I was thankful to have been involved with such beautiful things in music over the years. God has been so good to me. My point is, looking back 20,000 years, there is going to be some things you regret from the perspective of what you know then. But, are you really walking in the best you know NOW? Are you reaching forward to greater with the Lord. For more understanding. For more precise living. Is the Kingdom priority right? Is the purpose right? Is the focus right? Are the motives right? Is your will submitted in Jesus’ will every way possible? Are you growing in knowledge of Him–actually living being Spirit led at all possible times? These things are what I’m talking about. When we get there, 20,000 years in the future, those above things, or the lack thereof, are all that we will see. They are the real eternal things that matter. Perhaps you and I need to pretend we’re there 20,000 years in the future looking back at our time on earth. What will really matter then to us? We should all be about NOW the things that will matter to us THEN! They should be what matters to us now in our time on the earth! Lets be sure to be all about what Jesus wants us to be about now in our time here. Don’t you want to look back then and be glad you did what Jesus led you to do? I do.” KF

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